Websites and social networks where you can find the contemporary artist Riccardo Paci and his friends

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You can find Riccardo Paci in some others websites

  • On Facebook, famous social network, you can find Paci's account at the link: Riccardo Paci on Facebook.
  • On Flickr, famous online photo management and sharing application, you can find Riccardo Paci photos and profile at the following links: Riccardo Paci images on Flickr e Riccardo Paci profile on Flickr. On Flickr you can find some fotos not present in the Riccardo Paci official web site.
  • On Saatchi-gallery, virtual gallery of contemporary art created by Charles Saatchi, you can find Riccardo Paci account at the link: Riccardo Paci on Saatchi-Gallery.
  • On The Brain Project, international digital art competition, you can find Riccardo Paci words. Riccardo Paci was invited to become member of The brain project 2007 jury because he won previous edition of the same competition.

Riccardo Paci friends websites

  • Michele Petrelli: Riccardo Paci met Michele Petrelli at the inauguration of The Brain Project 2007 30 finalists exibition in Trieste.
  • Massimo Prizzon: Riccardo Paci met Massimo Prizzon at the inauguration of the Universi Contigui exhibition at the Mentana art gallery in Florence.
  • Elia Falaschi: Riccardo Paci met Elia Falaschi at ART International Fair for Contemporary Art, Innsbruck and partecipate with him at PHOTOinDARS exibition in Milano and at PHOTOinSPE exibition in Bologna.

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